A few Pictures from the doughnuts with dads sponsored by FaT C.
almost 8 years ago, Tim Schaffer
Mr. Osthus's Ukulele club performed today at assembly.
almost 8 years ago, Tim Schaffer
Science Fair winners: 5th Grade: 1st Place Payton Raan-Best conductors, 2nd place Brooke Vachal-You Want Fries with That, 3rd place Kasey Odegaard- Lava Lamp, 4th place Ethan Loveridge- Walking Water and 5th place Luke Thompson- Rubbery eggs 6th Grade: 1st place Gracie Nutt- Zodiac Personalties, 2nd place Brock Sundhagen- Wind Power, 3rd Place Gunnar Norgaard- Electromagnetics, 4th place Joel Holmen- Football Helments and 5th place Riley Pederson- Flower Power
almost 8 years ago, Tim Schaffer
These Students place at The Williams County Spelling Bee: Karli Longie took 4th place, Kaden Keller took 1st place, Ryne Skabo took 1st place. Congrats
almost 8 years ago, Tim Schaffer
Picture of Central Spelling Bee Participants: (Piper Moberg: not pictured), Karli Longie, Savannah DeMoe, Kaden Keller, Neil Person, Ryne Skabo
almost 8 years ago, Tim Schaffer
Character students of the Month of February (Citizenship): K Germundson-Hans Halverson K Molenda-Gracelyn Davidson, 1st N-Graham Schaffer, 1st D-Lane Lenzen, 2nd S-Teegen Jensen, 2nd L-Stella Miller, 3 K-Claire Lakey, 3 I-Desiray Simmons, 4 H-Abrianna Volz, 4 G-Jennilyn Hanson, 5 M-Payton Raan, 6 O-Lexie Starrett, 6 E-Zanoblia Emeline
almost 8 years ago, Tim Schaffer
Scientists of the month: Julia Kingston, Makayla Lawrence, June Kuntz, Ty Lesmeister, Baylee Rieniets, Wyatt Rice, McKenna Lesmeister, Chris Williams, Riley Bentley, Branssen Volz, Tayzie Cox
almost 8 years ago, Tim Schaffer
Congratulations to the following students! They are the state qualifying participants. The state science fair will be in Grand Forks on March 30th-31st.
almost 8 years ago, Debra Moe
Science Fair set-up. Ready to go!
almost 8 years ago, Tim Schaffer
Science Fair today at Central for grades 5th & 6th. The public can see science projects from 11am-12pm today. The Students will be judged from 1:30-3:00pm today. Good Luck....
almost 8 years ago, Tim Schaffer
The Sales Rep for Letterperson's jackets will be here during Advisory tomorrow. At least half down payment is required. If you have questions, please see Mr. Eraas.
almost 8 years ago, Mrs. Klabo - THS Business Teacher
2016 yearbooks are now available at Central or THS for $45.00 (cash or check). Buy yours now!
almost 8 years ago, Carolyn Eide
The boys basketball team will be playing today in Crosby at 4:30. Good luck!!
almost 8 years ago, Mrs. Klabo - THS Business Teacher
Good luck to the boys basketball team as they compete in the district tournament tonight at 7:30 in Crosby.
almost 8 years ago, Mrs. Klabo - THS Business Teacher
Members from the FCCLA competed at STAR events and enjoyed whirl-a-whips afterwards. CONGRATULATIONS to Rachel Urie for advancing to state in Interior Design! See the app for more pictures.
almost 8 years ago, Sarah Carkuff
“READING IS MY SUPERPOWER!” TIOGA CENTRAL ELEMENTARY *** READING MONTH *** MARCH 2017 Central Elementary will be celebrating the power of reading throughout the month of March! INDIVIDUAL READING COMPETITION: Data from AR will be used again this year to determine individual winners in each grade level. It will be based on the AR report of the number of words read for the month of March. To be eligible, students must also meet or exceed the average of 85% correct answers on their AR quizzes. The top reader in each grade level will receive $20 in Scholastic Book Bucks, an “I Read. What’s Your Superpower?’ medallion, a “Bam, Pow, Read! sports bag & a personal pan pizza from Pinnacle! Second place will be awarded $15 in Scholastic Book Bucks, and an “I Read. What’s Your Superpower?” medallion & water bottle! The third place finisher will receive $10 in Scholastic Book Bucks, an “I Read. What’s Your Superpower?” medallion & an “Unmask” magnetic bookmark! CLASSROOM COMPETITION: We will have our Box Tops/Campbell’s labels classroom competition again this year. Taking into account that some of our classrooms have more students than others, the classroom that averages the most Box Tops/Campbells’ labels collected per student will receive $50 in Scholastic Book Bucks to purchase books for their classroom library! The winning class will also be treated to a popcorn/pop party! The runner-up classroom will receive $25 in Scholastic Book Bucks for their classroom library! Lists of participating products will be sent home with the students. All Book Bucks awarded to students and classrooms can be used on Scholastic book orders or at our Scholastic Book Fair in April. DRESS UP DAYS! March 1st: “Guess Who!” – Dress up as your favorite superhero or book character. March 2nd: “Dr. Seuss Day” – Today is the birthday of “Super Author”, Dr. Seuss! Let’s celebrate his books, “Cat in the Hat” & “Fox in Socks” by wearing hats & crazy socks! March 3rd – “Superhero Colors” – Each grade level will wear a different color found in superhero uniforms. Kindergarten – red Grade 4 – yellow Grade 1 – white Grade 5 – purple Grade 2 – blue Grade 6 – black Grade 3 - green HAVE FUN & READ, READ, READ!!
almost 8 years ago, Tim Schaffer
almost 8 years ago, Tim Schaffer
Tioga High School will have the following menu change: (Thursday, February 23rd). Tomorrow's lunch will be Chicken Fajitas.
almost 8 years ago, Carolyn Eide
Rec basketball for 4th through 6th grade boys and girls will begin Tuesday, February 28th at Central gym.  There will be a short female athlete and parent meeting at 5:30 followed by practice.  A meeting for male athletes and parents will be at 6:30 with practice to follow.  Schedules will be provided at this meeting.
almost 8 years ago, Tim Schaffer
All four Firestrom wrestlers won their first round! Congrats!
almost 8 years ago, Carolyn Eide